Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How To Get More Twitter Followers

Okay, we've heard that Twitter is a great way to attract new customers and now we are ready to jump into the Twitter universe.  We setup an account, get our profile together and start tweeting away!  But there's a small problem...we don't have an audience.  We need followers!  Uh oh, what now?  Don't panic.  There are some sure fire ways to obtain quality followers without having to spend a dime.  Here are 3 things that you can start doing right away:

1. Follow other people:  Typically in business and in life, we get what we give.  If you want followers you have to follow other people.  Usually, they will follow you right back.  Now pump the brakes before you just start following anyone.  You will notice above that I said "quality followers".  What I mean by this is following people that might actually have a chance to buy from you or use your service.   Ex:  If you are a personal trainer it would make since to find people to follow that are into health and fitness.

2. Tweet:  This may sound obvious, but you will lose followers quickly if your twitter page is dormant.  Tweet consistently, but don't over do it.  About once an hour is the max or you will beat people down.  It can be difficult to stay on top of tweeting and running a business so I recommend an auto-scheduler (not auto-follower) like Hootsuite to automatically send out tweets at times that you schedule.  

By using hashtags (#) your tweets will be categorized.   Using the same example above, if you tweeted something about fitness, you might end your tweet in a hashtag of #fitness.  Anyone doing a search for #fitness would come across your tweet.  If they find value in it, they will want to follow you.

3. Give Value:  This is a common theme if you follow my blog or posts.  We have to give value.  No one wants to hear about our latest sale, product, limited time offer or self promotion.  We must give our followers a reason to read our tweets.  A selfish reason.  Make it about them.  Give tips, share a motivational quote, share an article of interest for your niche, retweet someone else's tweet that your followers would enjoy.  Basically, before you hit send, ask yourself, "would someone find value in this and want to share this with others or retweet (RT) it?  When someone retweets your tweet, you are now exposed to ALL of their followers.  This will lead to them wanting to follow you as well.  

You will not grow your followers overnight and you don't want to.  There are automated systems designed to follow aggressively. I DO NOT recommend these, in fact, Twitter can and will shut down your account if they think you are abusing the system.  Again, when trying to acquire followers, you want quality followers that are interested in your niche that you hand picked.  This will allow you to actually connect with them and when the time is right, they will trust you enough to use your product or service.  I hope this article helps you build your following.  If you think this might help a friend, please share it with them. Also if there are any other methods you like as well, please let us know in the comments section below.  Thanks for stopping by!   

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post as always. Love #3 keep up the good word! N