Why it's important to get your client's "why"
People love to buy, but hate to be sold. That being said, salespeople still need to close sales in order to make a living. Right? Sales are made by creating emotion, not logic. It is key to understand why your prospect needs or wants your product. Get them talking. Ex: We know that they want to get in shape, but why? You have to tap a nerve. How? Ask! Don't assume just because someone is overweight (for this example) that you know why they want to lose weight. It could be a number of reasons: To fit into their favorite jeans, to put a spark back in their marriage or maybe they are being bullied. You don't really understand until you ask. Once you get that "why" and they tell you out loud, the sale is just about done. Now you just have to explain the "how" and "how much" to help them obtain their "why".
Mario Wilson
Marketing Coach