Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Subtle Ways To Get Exposure Online

When it comes to marketing, exposure and impressions (basically eyeballs on our brand or business). It is important, when building online communities, to not just make it about us and our business. If we just scream, "look at me!" all of the time, our followers will grow weary and unfollow quickly.  There are some ways to draw attention to ourselves without being overbearing.  Be sure to add these 5 tasks to your social media strategy:

1. Comment on posts: Commenting on Facebook and Google Plus are great ways to get exposure without calling attention to yourself.  Everyone that sees the post will now be exposed to your page and you're giving value to the page that your commenting on. Like this:

2. Like/ +1 posts:  Liking and "+1 ing" (a Google Plus equivalent of a like) is another subtle way to get impressions on your pages. In this example, with a click of a button, I was able to get our logo out in the Google Plus universe:

3. Change profile/cover: Simply changing our profile picture or cover picture is a great way to hop in the newsfeed without really saying anything.  The real estate alone on the cover photo, will draw some attention and you'll even get a few likes for it.

Here's what it looks like in the newsfeed when you change your cover photo:

4. Comment on blogs: Commenting on popular blogs in your industry will get exposure to your brand quickly.  The key is to find articles that you actually agree with and add value to it with your comment. In, other words, just saying "great blog" isn't adding much value. I like to comment and point out something specific in the article to show that I actually read it.  Like this:

5. Reply to popular tweets:  This is one of my favorite strategies.  First, be sure you are following popular,local accounts as well as leaders in your industry.  The Dallas Observer has about 51,000 followers, so there's a good chance that by replying to this tweet, we'll have some eye balls on our logo. A little tip here is that (see arrow in the pic) by adding a period (or any characters) before mentioning another account (@) your followers will also see the reply.  If you do not add anything before the "@" only you and the other account see it.  Also, a bonus, any of their 51,000 that clicks on this tweet will see my reply.

All of the strategies above will result in more exposure for a brand or company, but keep in mind, it takes consistency and reputation for this to work and result in more followers and referrals.  Just doing it once won't cut it.  If you think these are great tips, but don't think you would have the time to execute them, please check out our social media management package, and we'll do it for you so you can focus on your business!

Click here: social media management

If you think these tips will help someone else, please use the share buttons at the top. Thanks

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